Children's Mental Health Week 2021

     Children's Mental Health Week 2021    

What an incredible week it has been! Exploring and talking about Children's Mental health and wellbeing. As a school we have focused on different themes to promote positive thinking and healthy lives; Expressing ourselves through Dance, Music and Movement, Dress to Express and Crazy Hair day, Express yourself through Art, Sharing of Talents in our very own OVPA's Got Talent. 


Over 50 acts were submitted, shared and enjoyed through a series of 4 shows, whereby the top 2 acts from each show - voted for by the school community made it through to the end of the week final. 

Congratulations to our winner, Henry with his amazing dancing and our runners up, Magician Dexter and Rockstar Daniel! Everyone that took part was amazing and it was great to see your courage and talent. 


Dress to Express and crazy hair day provided an opportunity for the children to share their own individuality. We were really impressed with the stylish attire and everyone looked great! 


Express yourself through Art was a way for children to build and develop their confidence and creativity. Arts can be inspired by a persons individual interests, ideas, emotions, needs or preferences. Inspired by the story ' Breathe and Be' by Kate Coombs, pupils created their own forest of calm.


Expressing ourselves through Dance, Music and Movement was a fantastic opportunity for both Staff and children to let their hair down, relax and throw some shapes as they expressed their own identity. 

Even though this week was focusing on Children's Mental health, Staff were not forgotten either; all members of staff had a wellbeing day where they could switch off from school life for one day. Sweet treats and a week of no meetings was also provided, along with a variety of optional wellbeing activities such as chair yoga, Zumba, art class and a staff quiz to finish off the week! 

A massive thank you to all Pupils, Parents and Staff for making this week a wonderful opportunity to focus on promoting positive mental health and the freedom to express ourselves! 
